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Selectmen minutes April 14, 2003
The weekly meeting of the Board of Selectmen was held on Monday, April
14, 2003.

Present: James M. Hardy, Clerk
Eric W. Greene
David L. Walsh
Michael Botelho, Executive Secretary
Catherine Johnson, Senior Clerk

The Board welcomed David Walsh as the newest member of the Board of

Mr. Hardy and Mr. Greene thanked Mr. Morey for his three years of
service to the Town.


Martha Redgate and Peter Spagone were present to inform the Board, as
well as the public, of the pins donated by the East Bridgewater
Insurance Agency, which show support for our troops, that are available
at the Veteran's office and the Board of Selectmen's office.


Frank Savino, Treasurer/Collector, was present to ask the Board if their
intentions were to reduce the non-management employees town insurance
contribution from 84% to 80%.

m/Greene, s/Walsh, a unanimous vote, move to reduce the non-management
employees town insurance contributions from 84% to 80%.

Mr. Hardy asked Mr. Savino for the list of members of the Town Wide
Insurance Advisory Board. Mr. Savino stated that he was no longer a
member. Mr. Hardy asked Mr. Botelho to get him a list of those members.

Mr. Savino explained to the Board that all employees would be notified
of the insurance changes by letter.

Reorganization of the Board

m/Greene, s/Walsh, vote to nominate Mr. Hardy as Chairman of the Board.

m/Walsh, s/Hardy, vote to nominate Mr. Greene as Clerk.

m/Hardy, s/Walsh, vote to appoint Mr. Greene as the representative to
the Schools, the Plymouth County Advisory Board and the MBTA advisory

m/Hardy, s/Greene, vote to appoint Mr. Walsh as representative to the
Sewer Feasibility Committee, the R1-123 NAGE Clerical Union and the
R1-173 NAGE Trades Union.
Board of Selectmen -2-
April 14, 2003

m/Greene, s/Walsh, vote to appoint Mr. Hardy as designated liaison to
the Police and Fire unions and the Personnel Board.

m/Hardy, s/Greene, a unanimous vote, move to approve the list as voted.

Action Items

m/Greene, s/Hardy, abstain - Walsh, move to approve the minutes of the
March 31, 2003 meeting.

m/Greene, s/Walsh, a unanimous vote, move to approve the request of
Barbara Hirtle for use of the Town Common on July 12, 2003, for a
wedding ceremony.

m/Greene, s/Walsh, a unanimous vote, move to approve the request of
Frank Savino to appoint George Samia as a member of the Computer Study

m/Greene, s/Walsh, a unanimous vote, move to approve the request of
Frank Ray of Boy Scout Troop 29, for use of the Sachem Rock Farm for a
campout from Friday April 25th to Sunday April 27th.

m/Greene, s/Hardy, move to accept the resignation of David Walsh from
the Finance Committee effective immediately.

Open Forum

No one present.


Recycling week.

A lengthy discussion was held with regards to changing the date of the
Annual Town Meeting or reconvening the Annual Town Meeting, due to the
availability of the state budget numbers.

m/Greene, s/Walsh, move to close Open Session and go into Executive
Session for the purpose of discussing litigation and non-union contracts
and will not be returning to Open Session.
VOTE: Yes - Greene, Walsh, Hardy; a unanimous vote in favor.

Meeting adjourned at 8:15 p.m.

Board of Selectmen